How this Father of 3 reduced his Blood Pressure without ANY Medication!!!

This father of 3 was able to reduce his high blood pressure without using any medications! How?

Family and health is everythingThis father of 3 was able to reduce his high blood pressure without using any medications! How?

Find out how this father of 3 was able to defy the doctors & beat high blood pressure which had plagued him for 3 years, without using any medication, even though doctors had told him he would have to be on medication for life.
Michael had only turned 42 when his blood pressure levels began to elevate. He knew about his family history of heart disease. He lost his father at the age of 47, his uncle at the age of 42 & his aunties at the age of 39 & 37 respectively.
He had done everything he was told by the doctors to do to prevent this “Silent Killer”.
Michael exercised regularly, had constant medical checkups, ate well as he was advised to but yet it seemed he could not get his high blood pressure readings down, 178/90 on a bad day.
During one of his visits to his family doctor, he asked the doctor why his blood pressure was so high & the doctor responded by saying he shouldn’t worry so much about it, it could just be stress-related. All Michael had to do was to take his prescribed high blood pressure medication, monitor the situation & it would be OK…Michael did not want to be on medication, not at his young age. Taking the medication would often leave him feeling tired and weak, with lack of energy. Sometimes a headache, dizziness, diarrhea or constipation, never mind the nervous feeling it brought. The lack of motivation to do another was what really angered Michael. Not to mention the fact that he could no longer satisfy his wife sexually, as he was experiencing erectile dysfunction which was really embarrassing to him. He used to be so active, taking the kids out on their bikes, going to the playground. enjoying swimming with them. All these fun activities now seemed more draining to Michael, and he now longer had the desire to partake in them.
The biggest fear for Michael was the fact that his father was also on medication when the disease robbed him of his life. He could not imagine not being around for his wife and their 3 young kids.
However, he accepted the doctor’s advice as most people would do. He continued to take his medication & monitor the situation but despite not being able to find the cause of this sudden rise in blood pressure, he told himself that since the doctor had said it would be OK, he had no reason to believe otherwise.
On a Saturday morning, just 3 months after Michael’s 42nd birthday, he decided to accompany his wife & his 3 children to a park where the children would regularly play. On getting to the park, Michael helped his wife in getting the kids out of the car & just as he was about to go through the small gate in the park, he clutched his chest & cried out to his wife that he was in pain. Before his wife could make sense of what was going on, Michael collapsed on the ground.
His wife Mary immediately screamed out & called for an ambulance. Michael was rushed to a nearby hospital & brought into the A&E. It was later confirmed that Michael had suffered a heart attack as he had developed atherosclerosis, which is the narrowing of the blood vessels that supply the heart.
Michael asked the doctor what his options were and he was told he had to be operated on and a stent put into his arteries to enable circulation of blood flow.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, he was told he would also have to be on medication for life. This is the news Michael was dreading.
Michael made it clear that he did not want to be on medication for life & asked if the doctor could give him other options to consider. The doctor told him that his genetic predisposition made him a prime candidate for the heart attack he suffered.
Michael was furious. He was furious because he did everything he was told he needed to do, to avoid having the same fate as his father but it seemed it wasn’t enough. Feeling helpless, disappointed, depressed and defeated, he gave into the idea that a lifetime of taking medications seemed like the only option for him.
Taking advice from his doctor, Michael reduced his working hours & as he was the breadwinner in his household, it affected their finances. The life of abundance he had created for his family became a thing of the past. This created a lot of tension in the house, for a home that was once peaceful with a lot of love & happiness, became a place of constant arguing & fighting.
Suicidal thoughts crossed his mind but he would often remember the smiles on his children’s faces & that seemed to always bring him back to his senses….
So for the next 3 months, Michael sought help from anywhere else he could get it. He spoke to nutritionists, cardiologists, dieticians, mind-body & soul healers, started doing Yoga, he changed his diet, ate more fruits & vegetables, decreased his red meat intake increased his water & exercised more. Though these were all positive changes he introduced into his life, his blood pressure was still an issue he needed to resolve. He made it his mission to find a better alternative, a natural solution to his problem.
A few weeks later, Michael got a visit from a friend of his, John. During their conversation, he told John about how his life which was once going great, had seemingly been turned upside down. He told him of his fears & worries.
John was very compassionate & understanding. He too had lost his father to stroke 5 years earlier which was also brought on by High Blood pressure (Hypertension) & he told Michael about how he had also experienced elevated levels of blood pressure, but not anymore. Michael’s ears perked up on hearing this, he naturally asked John what he did, John said he used the knowledge he had recently acquired to address this issue.
This was a trusted friend telling him that not only did John have high blood pressure but he had somehow made it a thing of the past.
So naturally, Michael was very intrigued & curious about what John had done.
What John told him blew his mind. He couldn’t understand how something so simple, so natural & accessible was out there the whole time, yet neither his doctor nor his cardiologist told him about this.
Feeling skeptical but optimistic at the same time, Michael went on to apply the knowledge he gained from John.
Within the first couple of days, he noticed a change. His energy was coming back, his blood pressure normalizing & he was feeling a lot better about himself.
After 90 days of being on the program, Michael’s blood pressure had gone from a whopping 178/90 to 108/77. Wow!
Michael was ecstatic, to say the least. He went to see his doctor to share the news with him.
The doctor asked Michael what had changed recently & Michael said he only changed his diet, to which the doctor said he always knew his medication would solve the problem.
Michael laughed to himself, knowing the medication which he voluntarily stopped months ago, had nothing to do with his new found zeal.
But because Michael understood what was needed to keep his blood pressure normal, he continued his program & has maintained his blood pressure for 2 years!
Michael now has the blood pressure of a very young man & recent clinical tests indicate his arteries are like that of a 21-year-old.
His energy levels have gone through the roof, so he’s gone back to doing the things he once enjoyed such as fun activities for the kids, evening walks with his family & he has joined his local football team meeting up twice a week.
To say Michael is a man who came back from the brink of despair is putting it lightly. He now has a new lease of life & shares his story with anyone who’s willing to listen so that they too can get the help that he got.
He credits his new lease of life to the visit from his dear friend John & being open-minded enough to do something about it.
Find out what Michael did……….